The Facilities
Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club is a member participating Yacht Club that regards Club social functions as a very important part of its activities. Because of the Club's active social calendar, the following will apply with regards to Club Rental:
Members for their use, for functions including their immediate family, which includes children, grandchildren, parents, or grandparents, may rent the Club. Members may also rent the Club f
or an event held by an organization of which the Member is an officer, member or principal employee..
The Club shall not be rented out to any organization that is not approved by the Board of Trustees.
Club members must coordinate with the Club Manager with reference to set up, clean up and catering arrangements. If the event is catered and liquor is to be served, the Club Manager will hire a licensed bartender who will be paid by the Member. Club Rental will be requested/reserved through the Club Manager and approved by the Commodore. In no event will the Club Rental take precedence or interfere with Club functions, which have priority.
The MBYC Clubhouse has a large dance floor as well as a generous area for the band. |
The outdoor deck is a great gathering place to view Meydenbauer Bay and the sunset.. |

A great setting for your affair. |