Each boating season is kicked off with the historic Opening Day celebration. This premiere event stages all parade boats in Portage Bay with the parade of hundreds of boats through the Montlake Cut, adjacent to the beautiful University Washington Football stadium and Rowing Center. This boating venue is the most picturesque in the country. You can count on many MBYC boats to be rafted together for a front row seat. Let the party begin!
MBYC's participation is historic and paramount to the event. The parade begins at noon and ends at 2:30 PM.. In 2018 MBYC entered a spirit boat brigade and won first place in category. The theme was Ocean Crossing and our boats were loaded with Ocean Crossing Guards who performed crossing duties to let the creatures of the Ocean cross the Montlake Cut.
After the parade, many boats head over to MBYC's clubhouse and docks including the University of Washington Band and Cheerleaders for an afternoon of fun, food and excitement.
Opening Day is a great volunteer event. Many members are needed to perform various functions. Providing your boat to be decorated is not difficult as you will be provided a decorating team to design and construct your boat according to a theme. If you volunteer your boat, you have the option of putting finishing touches on it at Seattle Yacht Club's (SYC) Dock Zero. Dock Zero, located in Portage Bay adjacent to SYC, is the boat parade staging area from Thursday afternoon until MBYC's parade queue time. The Canadian parade boats are assigned one half of the dock and the American parade boats the other creating the opportunity to get to know our Canadians friends. MBYC dock coordination requires on dock master, 3 dock captains and assistants who will provide instructions to visiting boats as they arrive the MBYC docks. The galley crew helps in food preparation in conjunction with MBYC paid staff. Of course there is always need for set up and clean up crews at MBYC's facility. Volunteer sign up begins in February and March for the first Saturday in May event as there is much to plan.
Music, dinners and dancing are held the SYC Clubhouse with events scheduled from Wednesday afternoon through Friday evening. All MBYC members are welcome as you do not need to be a participant in the parade. The log boom is the best place to view the event along with hundreds of other boats. It is advised to tie your boat on the log boom Thursday for the best vantage point. There is no charge for a post on the log boom but a donation is suggested. Parties are going from Thursday afternoon on all through Saturday afternoon on the log boom. You better pace yourself! Comprehensive information can be found on this SYC link. https://seattleyachtclub.org/web/pages/opening-day